Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Three biggest U.S. airlines to offer internet service on international flights

The three biggest American airlines have announced that Internet service will soon be available on international flights. United, Delta, and American Airlines have all announced that they are a few weeks away from having their first international flights with internet connection.

Passengers can already enjoy internet service while flying over the U.S., but the air-to-ground signal used by those planes does not work overseas. To make this service overseas possible, the airlines are installing satellite-based systems.

Those of you who are now looking forward to streaming Netflix or watching YouTube videos on an international flight will most likely be disappointed. While speeds on airplane Internet connections are getting faster, they are most likely only good enough for basic Web browsing and emails. However, most of the international Wi-Fi systems will have computer servers on the plane with movies and TV shows that passengers can view for a fee.

This news should bring a smile to the faces of many business travelers who will soon be able to access important business emails while traveling internationally. All three airlines will have this service within the next 2 months, with fees for this service yet to be determined.

1 comment:

  1. http://gigaom.com/2012/09/19/why-your-in-flight-wi-fi-is-slow-and-expensive-its-all-about-the-pipe/
